Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine. Medical Concept.

Internal Medicine

Department of Internal Medicine at Adwait Multispecialty Hospital, provides treatment of almost all types of medical illness and diseases.

Scope of Services

  • Acute febrile episodes of unclear etiology with co-morbid conditions, associated haematological, renal, pulmonary, gastro-intestinal systemic involvement, etc.
  • Complicated tuberculosis, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and other atypical mycobacterial infections in immunocompromized and elderly patients.
  • Complicated Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and other tropical infections
  • Septicemia and septic shock associated with multi-organ failure
  • HIV/AIDS and associated opportunistic infections, failure of anti-retroviral therapy and its complications
  • Fever of unknown origin
  • Fungal infections like Candidiasis, Aspergillosis, etc.
  • Complicated patients having infections like renal and peri-nephric abscess, other intra-abdominal infections, lung abscess, cerebral abscess, etc.
  • Geriatric medicine especially frail elderly patients at risk for frequent hospitalization, increased morbidity and mortality, altered mental status like dementia, infections, frequent falls, osteoporosis, etc.
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