Frequently Asked Questions

Parkinsonism & Movement Disorders expert, Dr. Narendra Barad answers frequently asked questions about Parkinsonism & other movement disorders related diagnosis and treatments.

For appointment you have to call on 09104215158.

Doctor charges are dynamic. To know present fees structure please call on 0910421518 or mail us on drbaradsclinic@gmail.com

Approximate waiting for appointment is around 2-5 days at present.

Yes you can. By the way this is Gujarat’s first and exclusive clinic for Parkinsonism and related disorders.

Slowness in daily activities of living is most important symptom of parkinsonism. Other symptoms are tremor, stiffness, balance problems, behaviour problems, sleep problems etc. For further details please visit patient education section of our website.

Yes you can. All tremor are not age related, so don’t ignore it.

Yes you can. In most of the dystonia cases drugs and botulinum injections helps a lot.

In dystonia, patient have abnormal twisting and turning of body parts affected by dystonia. It can affect any muscle of your body. Commonly dystonia can affect neck muscles, eye muscles (Blepharospasm), Limb muscles (Writer’s cramps), perioral muscles (Oromandibular dystonia. For more details please visit patient education section of our website.

Yes you can. Dr Barad is certified and trained at London for Botulinum injections. He is expert to give botulinum injections for Blepharospasm, Cervical dystonias, Limb dystonias, Oromandibular dystonias, Post stroke Spasticity etc.

No, this is a OPD based procedure in most of the cases. You don’t require admission or any other preparation prior to it.

Yes, You Can. DBS is a well established treatment option for parkinsonism and other disorders.

No, we don’t have in house lab. But we have in house blood sampling facility with online report delivery to you and your doctor. So no need to comeback to collect report and also no need to come for showing report to doctor. If any report is very much abnormal then doctor team will contact you directly.

For any other query feel free to call on +91 9104215158 or mail us on drbaradsclinic@gmail.com

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